Saturday, October 3, 2009

Thinking... thinking... thinking...

I've been thinking (I know, I know - too obvious). I've been thinking that it may seem like I'm more depressed recently. For the last two weeks I have not:
  • done the dishes (seriously, my kitchen is now a biohazard uncontainment area)
  • washed my hair (ok, that's only 10 days, TEN DAYS)
  • pretty much any other chores
I've interrogated my mind brain several times and the feedback is "no, it's not worsening depression". I'm absolutely certain my grey matter is working on the project of getting myself better and it has absolutely no time for anything else. I've asked and asked, thought and thought, and the same answer keeps coming back. I've been reading and undertaking exercises relating to Transactional Analysis so it would be logical to expect I'm doing a lot of thinking. So far it's not huge epiphany thinking - it's something working hard in the background.

It's like my brain's got my psyche steam engine back into tentative working order and every time I ask my brain to organise the dishes or wash my hair it turns up agitated, sweaty, filthy and abrupt - insisting it must go back to shovelling coal or my psyche will fail again.

After rereading that last paragraph, perhaps it's not depression... but brain worms.

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